[1]        MALE DEPRESSION

         One of the oldest things about depression is the lingering myth that it is mostly a female disorder from which real men are genetically protected. Specialists say depression remains hidden in men because men visit health professionals less often than women, with less opportunity to talk about their problems and they are less able to articulate emotional distress. So doctors are more familiar with symptoms that are common in female victims of depression. In women depression has a notably different constellation of symptoms than in men. What are some of the symptoms common in male depression? Anger, fatigue, irritability, aggression, a drop in work performance, and a tendency for the sufferer to isolate himself from loved ones and friends. Sadness does always accompany depression –especially for men.

                                            [2]        PROBLEMS CONNECTED WITH OBESITY

           Obesity is increasing in America. According to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the number of obese American adults has increased from 12.5 percent of the population in 1991 to 20 percent in 2016. This increase has affected a number of businesses. Like the airline industry, which was warned in May 2013 that passengers were heavier than they used to be, and was asked to adjust weight estimates accordingly, the funeral industry is retooling to make room for ever-larger Americans. While the standard coffin is 61 centimeters wide, coffins are now available up to 124 centimeters in width and suitably reinforced. Vaults, graves, hearses and even the standardized scoop on the front-end loaders that cemeteries use for grave-digging have also had to be increased in size. People are living larger and dying larger, and industries have to adapt to that situation.


                                                [3]   USE YOUR BRAIN


      The brain’s vitality can remain intact throughout our lives, as long as we keep exercising it,” states the Vancouver Sun newspaper. “Read, read, read,” says Dr. Amir Sosa of Case Western Reserve University Medical School in Ohio, U.S.A. To retain brainpower as you age, choose mentally challenging hobbies, study a new language, learn to play a musical instrument, or engage in stimulating conversations. “Anything that stimulates the brain to think,” says Dr. Sosa. He also encourages cutting back TV. “When you watch television, your brain goes into neutral,” he says. The Sun adds that a healthy brain also needs oxygen pumped through healthy arteries. Thus, exercise and proper diet, the same things that help to prevent heart disease and diabetes, also help the brain.

                                         [4]      CLIMBING STAIRS IMPROVES HEALTH

                 Taking the stairs regularly is a simple and practical means to improving health. Researchers asked 69 sedentary employees to use the stairs at their place of work instead of the elevators. After 12 weeks, the workers aerobic capacity had increased by 8.6 percent, which gave them a 15 percent reduction in all-cause mortality risk. The workers also saw significant improvement in their blood pressure, cholesterol, weight, fat mass, and waist circumference.

                                         [5]      SMOKING HAZARDS

                  One in every 8 lung cancer deaths is among nonsmokers. Scientists based their finding on a study of 52,000 people who died from lung cancer. Additionally, long-standing research shows that toxic carbon monoxide and carcinogens are more prevalent in secondary smoke than smoke directly inhaled by smokers. In 1999 a government study in Japan involving 14,000 people found that 35 percent of those at work or at school was exposed to secondary smoke. Smokers should be aware they are harming non-smokers to such an extent a conscious effort should be made to separate the two group


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