The fact is, millions of women in the world are infected with human papillomavirus [HPV] –considered the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. There are several treatments that can control HPV infection. Specialists use tropical treatments.

Many hundreds of thousands of cases of HPV are diagnosed in the world annually, and each year many thousands of women die from cervical cancer, which is a consequence of the infection. HPV is a major cause of death from cancer in women in developing countries. Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common type of uterine cancer.

No wonder WHO calls HPV “a global public health problem”! What else should we know about this virus?

Human pappillomavirus is responsible for warts in both men and women, including genital warts, called CONDYLOMA ACUMINATA. These are generally benign, or noncancerous. Although there are over hundred types of HPV, only a few can be carcinogenic, that is cancerous.

It is only the persistent infection with certain types of HPV that causes cervical cancer. On the other hand, most HPV infections disappear spontaneously, being overcome by the body’s immune system.

Some of these destroy the cells containing the virus, and others stimulate the immune system. Additional techniques involve removing the damaged or infected area using electrosurgery, laser surgery, or cryosurgery. Yet, rather than having to deal with treatment, how much better it would be if the infection would be avoided. How can that be done?

A couple of years ago, a symposium was held in Mexico City on the subject “Cervical Cancer and HPV in the New Millennium.” Dr. V. Cecil Wright, the Canadian guest lecturer and expert on HPV, advised: “Do not have intercourse until you are married.”

Dr. Alex Ferenczy in Montreal, Canada, likewise said: “To prevent cervical cancer…, mutual monogamy must be championed.” So people who have lived in harmony with the mortal principle of the Bible are less likely to suffer the cancer-related form of HPV infection.

Still, education is essential, since HPV infection can usually be prevented. Moreover, even when the infection appears and advances, it can be treated successfully. In fact, WHO recognizes: “If cervical cancer is detected in an initial asymptomatic stage it is nearly always curable.”

In addition to moral education, it is important for women to become informed about the disease and to understand the importance of having such tests as the Pap smear done regularly. According to the National Cancer Institute of the United States, these tests should begin at the age of 18 or the start of sexual activity.

If a problem is detected, a woman can get medical care. Regarding having a proper attitude toward such care, Dr. Montserrat Flores, a specialist in COLPOSCOPY, notes: “If a woman knows the magnitude of her problem, she can avoid going to two dangerous extremes: one, not assigning proper importance to the disease and not following through with medical care, which can result in cancer, and the other, becoming a victim of cancer phobia and submitting to unnecessary surgical procedures.”

Science continues to seek more effective and economical methods of detecting HPV. Additionally, vaccines are being developed both to prevent this infection and to treat it.

Although the results of any patient may satisfactory, he or she still needs to go for a colposcopy every six months. After having learned much about the disease, we conclude: “Even if we carry HPV, there is much we can do to keep ourselves healthy.”

 At least 2.7 million Americans carry the hepatitis C virus, making it the most common blood-borne infection in the United States, says one research report. Hepatitis C is spread from person to person primarily by means of sexual contact or through infested blood. Those most at risk of contracting the disease are intravenous drug users who share needles.

People who engage in unprotected sex, in this category the youth is the most at risk. Because the youth are found to be complacent of the consequence of unprotected sex. They tend to think they are young and free from any infection. Lack of enough knowledge about sex among the youth also contributes the high incident of hepatitis C and they become careless. The importance of quality condoms cannot be overemphasizing.

 The infection can also spread, however, by tattooists and acupuncturists who do not properly clean their equipment.

 People who have received blood transfusions are also at risk.

Every year, about 1000 people in the United States receive liver transplants as a result of liver failure caused by the virus.

The most common cell in your bloodstream gives blood its red color and is thus called a red blood cell. Just one drop of your blood contains hundreds of millions of such cells.

 When viewed through a microscope, they look like doughnuts with a depressed center instead of a hole. Each cell is packed with hundreds of millions of hemoglobin molecules is, in turn, a beautiful spherical structure made of about 10,000 hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur iron, which give the blood its oxygen-carrying ability.

 Hemoglobin facilitates the transport of carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs, where it is exhaled.
Another vital part of your red blood cells is their skin, called a membrane. This marvelous covering enables the cell to stretch into thin shapes so as to pass through your tiniest blood vessels and thus sustain every part of your body.

    Your red blood cells are manufactured in your bone marrow. Once a new cell enters your bloodstream, it may circulate through your heart and body more than 100,000 times. Unlike other cells, red blood cells have no nucleus.

This gives them more space to carry oxygen and makes them lighter, which helps your heart to pump trillions of red blood cells throughout your body. However, lacking a nucleus, they are unable to renew their internal parts.

Thus, after about 120 days, your red blood cells begin to deteriorate and lose their elasticity. Large white blood called phagocytes consumes these worn-out cells and spit out the iron atoms.

The scarce iron atoms attach themselves to transport molecules that take them to your bone marrow to be used in the manufacturing of new red cells. Every second, your bone marrow releases two million to three million new red cells into your bloodstream.
If your trillions of red blood cells were suddenly to stop functioning, you would die within minutes.


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