
Showing posts with the label controlling your health


                                                                                   YOU CAN IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH Austin, who lives in Britain, leads a busy life. In the past, he had some unhealthful habits but came to realize that he was paying a price for them. He stopped smoking and overindulging in alcohol. Still, long days in front of his computer left him feeling lethargic. Although Austin started work at eight o’clock in the morning, he rarely felt fully awake until ten, and he was often sick. So he made an adjustment to his routine. The result?   “In the last seven years, I haven’t taken more than two sick days a years,” he reports. “I feel great –awake and alert –and I enjoy life.” Austin, his wife, and their two small children live in Nepal. Sanitation is lacking in their neighborhood, and the area swarms with mosquitoes and flies. In the past, Austin, and his family frequently suffered from respiratory problems as well as eye infections. They too made chan