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                                                                      The starfish and their relatives form a peculiar phylum of animals. Nearly all of them have some kind of spines on their bodies.   They also have organs that are found in no other animals .         Starfish and their relatives have an amazing ability to grow new parts. You can cut off an arm and the fish will soon grow a new one. You can cut the animal in two and it will soon become two starfish.       The structure of the starfish; a starfish has no head. It has a circle of arms that come together at the center of the body. At this center there is a stomach that opens through a small mouth on the underside. There are many short spines all over the body.        Inside the animal is a body cavity that extends out into the arms. The liquid in this cavity is mostly sea-water. This liquid carries dissolved foods and oxygen around the body.       A starfish moves on tube feet. There are hundreds of thes