
Showing posts with the label help


                                             Nature’s creatures often exhibit impulses of self-assertion and competition. But all through life’s vast range, these instincts are balanced by another kind of drive. Nature does not implant in her children just the single message: Take care of yourself. Ancient and universal, there is a second injunction: Get together. It is as vital as the breath of life.       Every creature has a need for companionship as biologically important as food and drink. Testing tadpoles, zoologists have found that even these humble creatures are so deeply influenced by social need that a solitary tadpole can regenerate an injured part of the body only slowly, but if it given the dimly sensed comradeship of fellow tadpoles its healing powers speed up almost miraculously. University of Chicago scientists have discovered that when mice are raised in contact with fellow mice they grow faster than mice reared on an identical diet in isolation.      Anima


                                     A Greek philosopher Thales was once asked what was difficult, he said “to know one’s self”. And when asked what was easy, he replied “to advise another”. Edward Newton also said that only a dead man under six feet of earth with several tons of granite upon his chest ,is he in a position to give advice with any certainty ,and then he is silent”. We might think this American author had gone too far in his refusal to give advice. If we look carefully we will be more sympathetic with him. We should also know that unwanted or unsolicited advice usually fall on deaf ear .The popular saying that “Don’t do as I do, do as I say, ’’doesn’t   work people need a good example to go by. Seek that person that has gone through the test or fire, he knows how to encourage and guild anybody in need but all these depend on whether or not the person wants assistance.           If our conscience tells us that our reason for giving advice is to attain self-gr