
Showing posts with the label soft surface


                            Now we see by this that thoughts are thought forms, and thought forms are electrical impulses. A note on a violin string is composed of a certain number of vibrations and the difference between one note and another is a difference in vibrations.                       The difference between one color and another is a difference in the rate of vibrations. And the difference between the sensation of a substance that is hard and a substance that is soft is a difference in the rate of vibrations started at our fingertips and transmuted to our brain control board.                  Therefore, at the human brain centers the nerves of our body are constantly impressing and registering impulses of various rates of vibrations, which in turn produce thought forms. As I write this article, my eyes wander about my room, and I am receiving numerous impressions by sight, all of them be


                                             The beak of the squid baffles scientists. They wonder: How can something that is so hard be attached to a body that has no bones? Should not the combination of materials cause abrasion and hurt the squid.          The tip of the squid’s beak is hard, whereas the base of the beak is soft. The composition of the beak –which is made up of chitin, water, and protein –changes in density so gradually from soft to hard that the squid can use its beak without causing any harmful abrasion.          Professor Frank Zok, at the University of California, says that studying the squid’s beak could revolutionize the way engineers think about attaching materials together in all sorts of applications. One potential application is in the making of prosthetic limbs. Ali Miserez, a researcher at the same University, imagines creating a full prosthesis that mimics the chemistry of the beak, so that it matches the elasticity of cartilage on one side