

                                          It was July, 1799, the invading army of Napoleon was digging in for a long stay, after its conquest of Egypt. One of the sites selected for fortification was the Old Mameluke ruins of Fort Rashid in the delta region of the Nile. The foundations were to be extended, and a new Fort Julian erected on them. Nearby, at Rosetta, a branch of the Nile could be used for bringing in supplies from the Meditterranean. As the French soldiers dug, they came across a black basalt stone that seemed quite unusual in that three different styles of writing were carved into the surface; the Rosetta Stone.             Key to the Egyptian language. The ancient Egyptian language was Hieroglyphic [picture writing, a symbol for each word]. By 800 B.C. a simpler form of writing came into use, called “Demotic” [nearer alphabetic], and continued as the popular language till Roman times. And then both went out of use, and were forgotten. So these ancient inscript


            Many of the archaeological discoveries, made in recent years by those who have been digging in the ruins of Biblical cities, are records plainer than if written in a book. These records coincide exactly with biblical narratives. Piece by piece the Old Testament is being confirmed, supplemented and illustrated. Even those things which seemed most like a MYTH are being shown to have been factual.           Narratives that are susceptible to proof are being proved. Does not that enhance the trustworthiness of the Bible as a whole? And make it easier for us to rely on all that the Bible says? Even its wondrous promises, both for this life, and that to come.            The most important single statement in the Bible is that CHRIST ROSE FROM THE DEAD. This is the thing for which the whole Bible was written, apart from which life would mean nothing. It is the basis of our hope of Resurrection and Eternal.          Is it not refreshing to know that the book which is


                                        We live in a time of rapid change, when evolution of thought and consciousness is proceeding by leaps and bounds. There are many avenues open to us, so many voices competing for our attention that we are sometimes overcome by confusion.        To meet and transcend this confusion we must increase our awareness. To eliminate confusion and to transmit and radiate the simple, beautiful messages of the heart’s flame of truth is what the artist in us considers as his chief work, not only for his own benefit, but for the benefit and well-being of others.       We respond with laughter and sometimes tears. The higher emotions of being one with the Cosmic lift us beyond the cares of daily life to an experience of oneness with ourselves and the eternal life that is vibrating in us at all times.         When the artist taps the source of imagination by proper attunement and mastery of the art of visualization, he gives us a glimpse of somethi


                                        The identification of the lamb beast. It is the name of a man, or, possibly, a set of men, or, an institution headed by a man or set of men. A name, the letters of which, when regarded as numerals, total 666.         In Hebrew, the numeral value of the letters of “Nero Caesar”, when added, make 666 [“Nero Caesar”, 616, marginal reading]. Nero was, indeed, a beast, but it is a far cry to call him a Lamb-Like beast.      In Greek, [the book was written in Greek], the letters of “Lateinos” total 666: L, 30; A, 1; T, 300; E, 5; 1, 10; N, 50; O, 70; S, 200. Lateinos means “The Latin Kingdom”. It was so understood by Irenaeus, who was a pupil of Polycarp, who was a pupil of John, and bishop of Smyrna at the time the book was written. Latin was the language of Rome. Papal Rome made Latin its official language. And it still is. Among all nations of all languages. Its prayers, canons, missals, breviaries, decrees, bulls, worships, blessings, a


                                [1]       HIDDEN DANGERS IN FRANCE       An estimated 1.3 million tons of lethal devices from world wars one and two remained buried in France. The former front line is littered with old bombs and chemical shells that continue to pose a threat to people and the environment. Since many formerly vacant lots are now residential or industrial areas, bomb-removal squads receive thousands of call each year. Still, hundreds of accidents have occurred, and over 600 experts have been killed in the line of duty between 1945 and 1985. At the present rate, according to specialists, it could 700 years to dispose of this arsenal!                               [2]    BUSES PROMOTE ATHEISM        There is probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life. This slogan has been displayed on 200 buses in London, England; on another 600 countrywide; and on two giant screens in London’s Oxford Street, reports The Guardian newspaper. The originators say that